Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Montage 4/20/10 at OneTrueMedia.com

We are having a blast bonding with our boy. Things have gotten so much better here. My abs are sore from laughing so much. He is such a character and loves to make everyone laugh. Last night he serenaded us from his bed for about 2 hours. I finally went up at 10 and told him beka(enough). Here is a taste of what we heard.


  1. Love this. E-effi-G!
    Whatta doll. I think it is a wonderful sign that he is singing so much. Happy boy!

  2. I loved that last part where he got louder! So cute!!!

  3. Precious!!
    What a cute, sweet boy!

  4. I too love the E- Effa- G!! Also, the camera shaking cuz you can't help laughing...he is just a doll!!
