Friday, March 12, 2010

So Much Happening

There has been so much going on the past week that my head has been spinning. At the beginning of this process I had determined that at the end of it I wanted to reflect Christ more. When I asked for that I knew that would mean that the fire would have to be hotter in order to burn off the dross. I was essentially asking for trials. They have come so that my faith, of greater worth than gold may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I do believe that this has happened. My God is worthy of all praise, honor and glory! He has answered the prayers of this momma's heart. When I became a believer someone was praying for our family. She said she saw a little boy who looked nothing like us and he was one of our children. I have never know how that would play out until this past December when I saw our boy's face. We now have a son who looks nothing like us but I do believe that as he grows up, he will reflect our heavenly father. I hope that as he sees Christ in us, he desires to look like him!

So here is what is happening. We have a confirmed embassy date. We will be together with our son in a little over 3 weeks. We have every dime that we need to travel. We got an amazing deal on tickets. We are flying Emirates and that makes this girl who is afraid to fly feel a lot better. We are hoping while we are there that we will be able to meet with Noah's birthmom. Please pray that this happens. We would love to be able to thank her for her selfless sacrifice.

Here is how you can be praying for us:
1. Please pray for us as we prepare to travel. Please pray for Faith that her heart would be prepared for us to leave. Pray for me. I am not to fond of flying and flying over the ocean just scares the poo out of me! Please pray that we would be able to get everything done that needs to be done in order to make our homecoming less stressful.
2. Please pray for all of our friends who are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia. There are big changes happening right now in the country. They now are requiring two visits to Ethiopia. This is an added expense but also takes a toll on the families and children emotionally.

Thanks again for all of your support and care. I have to give a shout out to all my girls in our Yahoo Group. Ladies you are the best!! I never could have done this without you! I really hope someday to meet each of you and your beautiful children. For those of you waiting for court, embassy dates, etc... I will love on your children and whisper to them that they have families who love them and are coming soon. I must say that this is the best agency and the best support group ever!


  1. Hi, my name is Renae, and I found your blog via the Ethiopia Yahoo group, and I just love your spirit!:) We are in the process of adopting from Bulgaria(she'll be home in April/May!!), and my heart is really leaning toward Ethiopia next! I would love to hear about your agency..ours has an Ethiopia program, but the it looks like the fees are about $4000 less for IAN..that peaks my curiosity:) can email me at if you want, although we have a blog as well.

    By the way, I've only flown twice now, and one of those was to visit my daughter in Bulgaria in January...I HATE, HATE flying so I'll be praying for peace and safety for you as you travel:). Can't wait to hear more of your story!


  2. Monica, I'm so excited that your new beginning is in sight! Your friendship is a blessing!!

  3. Renae,

    I sent you an email


    You are a blessing to me!! Can't wait for our boys to play together!!

  4. It's happening, Monica! I am just SO excited for you to get to Ethiopia and get your little man!!! And I am really jealous that you and Dardi can have play dates about a trip to MN with your boys?! :)

  5. Your time is coming, Monica! So excited that you're almost on your way. Can't wait to see pics of you and your handsome Noah :).

  6. Monica! So exciting that you are so close. I'm sure your trip will be amazing.

  7. What a beautiful post. I have been having a hard time praising God for the heat. You have given me inspiration. Have a wonderful trip, and yes, whisper to my boy that I am doing my best to get to him soon and trusting God's timing!
