Thursday, May 20, 2010

They are gone:((

Let me preface this with my mother did not do this. Today I took Noah to get his curls trimmed. My mom is crazy busy with babysitting for my sister and then leaving for Seth's wedding so I went to a shop down the street to get his curls trimmed. Trimmed!! Did I say trimmed?? Yes!! Well unfortunately a trim is not what happened:( His beautiful curls are gone! I am so sad and cried the entire way home. Here is the before and after picture:


  1. Oh man...Well you have 2 weeks so hopefully they will grow QUICK!!!

  2. As a curly-headed kid myself, I know this feeling too well! They will grow back fast, but this kid looks so handsome with any hairstyle!! :)

  3. Oh, I would have cried right along with you...but, they will grow back and he looks GREAT no matter the haircut!

  4. I would have cried, too! :/
    He is handsome either way, though...oh, man...he is going to be a heartbreaker!!! =)
