Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2nd Try at Court

While we sleep tonight a judge in Ethiopia will once again be hearing our case! A myriad of thoughts and emotions are happening here in the Robinson house! Please pray that we pass this time. A dear friend of mine is leaving in the morning to go and pick up her daughter. Yea!! She is taking with her a photo album of our home and family. If we pass court she will be able to give this to Noah and let him know that he has a family who loves him dearly! I will post as soon as we hear something. Every day is just one step closer to bringing our boy home.


  1. We prayed at dinner tonight for you and your court date...and will do so again tonight, Monica! Praying for peace for you as you wait the good news.


  2. I'm thinkin' last time was false labor...this is the real thing! :o) Praying & hoping for you!

    Hugs ~ Dardi

  3. Thinking of you tonight! I will be checking my phone for Facebook updates tomorrow as I will be out of town and away from my computer access!!!

  4. I will be waiting!!!! The gifts are in my carry on and ready for Ethiopia! I think I'll probably be up all night, so there will be plenty of time to pray for your court date! PLEASE email me when you find out! I'll kiss your little guy for you!
