Monday, February 1, 2010

One Week Till Court

We have one more week until our court date! God willing we will pass the first time and then hopefully travel around the 20th of March. Please pray that all of our paperwork would be there and also pray for our son's birthmom. Here is a video to enjoy. It makes me cry every time I watch it.


  1. Monica, I will mark it on my calendar and start praying NOW that all paperwork is in order and for the birthmom, oh and for you to have peace in your soul....
    With Love,

  2. Oh, you better get a package all ready to send with us when we leave on the 17th!!! I would be SO thrilled to deliver it! :) Praying for good news from the court.

  3. Praying for everything, especially since we are hoping you get to be the ones to introduce us to our little boy! :o)

  4. Praying for you and our boy. :) My heart is longing for him to make it home asap. And as for the video - well a good cry is always a good way to start the day. God Bless.

  5. Monica, Maya and I are praying :)
