Sunday, February 7, 2010

Court Tomorrow

Tonight as we sleep a judge in Ethiopia will hear our case and decide if we pass court or not. Not passing court does not mean that we can't adopt, it just means another delay in getting our boy home. Court in Ethiopia is nothing like it is here in the states. A number of different things can happen so please just pray that we pass.
Lord willing, if we pass, we will probably be leaving for Ethiopia on the 20th of March and returning on the 27th. Please pray for me in particular concerning the travel end of things. I do not like to fly let alone fly for this long of a period of time. I also have never been gone from Faith for more than 4 days so 7 days sounds so long right now.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support! Hopefully tomorrow I will be posting a picture of our boy for the world to see!!


  1. Monica ~ I have a lump in my throat for you--It seems surreal that the time has come! I will be praying & hoping for wonderful news first thing tomorrow!! Hugs ~ Dardi

  2. I am believing God for tomorrow or tonight's hearing for His best for His little boy. I am believing and will be praying that God will be preparing you and your family for this adventure. He is going to teach you so much through that part of the journey. Faithful is He who brought you this far and He will bring it all to fruition. Amazing journey of grace.
    Love you,

  3. Get some sleep tonight and hopefully there will be great news in the morning!

  4. Monica,
    I'm so glad you guys are at this point! :) It's such an exciting time!!! Praying you will get some sleep tonight and will hear great news in the morning!
    P.S. I like your new pic so I can get a glimpse of your whole family. :)
