Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Next Court Date

I heard from our coordinator this afternoon that they were unable to get the paper that was needed for us to pass court. They hopefully will have it for our court date which is now set for February 17th. I was fine with the news on Monday but today was a different story. I held it together pretty well until I saw a friends Facebook status. She has been advocating for a 2.5 year old boy from Ghana. He actually was on quite a few peoples blogs with people trying to get a family for him. Unfortunately I just found out that he passed away. This news broke me! This past week with Faith being so sick has made me very aware of how much I take simple medical care for granted. When she had a high fever, I had access to clean water, medicine and a doctor's bill that I have insurance to cover. There really was no fear of her dying of dehydration. Right now, that is not the case with my son. He is in an orphanage. He does have access to water and limited medical care but it is nothing like he will have here. This is another part of the surrendering that has to happen in my heart through this adoption. I have to remember whose child he is first. Please continue to pray for us as we walk this journey of faith. Please pray that every piece of paperwork for our court date will be there. As crazy as this sounds, please pray that the judge would be there also. One last thing is please pray for the orphanage where Sampson lived. Please pray for comfort for his caregivers and also all of the children as the mourn the loss of their little friend.


  1. Monica, Sorry I'm a little late...I'm so sorry they aren't getting the paper this week! I hope to hear the great news from Ethiopia next week and will be ready to deliver your package to your little man!

  2. praying for your court date next week. I can't imagine how disappointing this has been but glad it is not too far off (even though it must seem so long to you :(

    so sorry to hear about the little is so true how much we take for granted here.
